Learn Ukulele Online
Welcome to Ukulele Inspired
Are you looking for a place to learn music and improve with ukulele? We offer video lessons, online group classes, and one on one private lessons. Come and join me in the UkeLab where you can find a learning experience that is right for you no matter what your level or experience.
Why Ukulele?
The ukulele is such a powerful and accessible means of connecting with music. It’s welcoming and approachable for beginners and at the same time it’s surprisingly capable for those wanting to push beyond their expectations.
Our Philosophy
I believe that learning music is attainable no matter what your level or experience. Here at Ukulele Inspired we approach learning through differentiation, which means materials and resources have learning options for beginner, intermediate, and advanced players. I am passionate for giving the highest quality instruction and want to offer the best learning resources and tools available.
Our Ethos
Learning is a journey! I believe that we should always continue to grow and improve ourselves, in music and all other parts of our lives. I strive to continually improve in both my teaching and in creating content that will help others to learn ukulele in the most inspiring, challenging, and fun way possible.
Introducing UkeLab
Find the right learning environment for you!
Suitable For All Levels
All of our teaching approaches music with varying levels of difficulty so you can find the right level of challenge for wherever you are on your musical journey.
Multiple Memberships
You can choose a level of membership to suit you. Wether you like learning solo at your own pace, enjoy weekly group classes, or need some one on one guidance we’ve got you covered.
Multiple Learning Resources
We offer HD multi-cam video for all of our online learning, powerful digital arrangements w/ synced video, high quality PDF downloads, archived class recordings and a private UkeLab Slack channel for communication.